
Set in Los Angeles in the year 2028, the Artemis Hotel is a private hospital for criminals. On a normal Wednesday with riots in the streets, tanks, helicopters and rockets; Hotel Artemis Nurse (Jodie Foster) has her hands full of bank robbers, a murderer, and the Russian mob boss who is marked for death. Set in Los Angeles in the year 2028, the Artemis Hotel is a private hospital for criminals. On a normal Wednesday with riots in the streets, tanks, helicopters and rockets... es un hospital privado para criminales. En un miércoles normal con disturbios en las calles, tanques, helicópteros y cohetes; la Enfermera (Jodie Foster) del Hotel Artemis tiene las manos llenas de ladrones de bancos, un asesino y el jefe de la mafia rusa que está marcado para morir.

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