GRETA is a contemporary psychological thriller from Academy Award winner Neil Jordan (The Crying Game). After discovering a handbag on a New York subway train, Frances McCullen (Chloë Grace Moretz), a young woman bereaved by her mother’s death, sets about returning it to its rightful owner...
Second Act
Second Act
Second Act is a romantic comedy in the vein of Working Girl and Maid In Manhattan. When a big box store employee reinvents her life and her lifestyle, she gets the chance to prove to Madison Avenue that street smarts are as valuable as a college degree, and that it is never too late for a Second Act....
Green Book
Green Book
GREEN BOOK is a warm-hearted and often hilarious road movie about two very different, strong-willed men who break through barriers of race, class and education to form a deep and enduring bond. Transcending initial assumptions and stereotypes, the pair’s unlikely alliance demonstrates the life-changing power of tolerance and cross-cultural understanding – two steadfast values that continue to resonate today...
Mile 22
Mile 22
JAMES SILVA (Mark Wahlberg) is a seasoned CIA Agent stationed in a country suspected of illegal nuclear activity. When local official LI (Iko Uwais), arrives at the US embassy seeking to trade information on stolen radioactive material in exchange for his safe passage to the US...
The Happytime Murders
The Happytime Murders
A murder mystery set in a world where humans and puppets co-exist, but puppets are viewed as second-class citizens. When the puppet cast of an ’80s children’s TV show begins to get murdered one by one, a former cop, who has since become a private eye, takes on the case...
When Ellen, the matriarch of the Graham family, passes away, her daughter’s family begins to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying secrets about their ancestry. The more they discover, the more they find themselves trying to outrun the sinister fate they seem to have inherited...
Hotel Artemis
Hotel Artemis
Set in Los Angeles in the year 2028, the Artemis Hotel is a private hospital for criminals. On a normal Wednesday with riots in the streets, tanks, helicopters and rockets; Hotel Artemis Nurse (Jodie Foster) has her hands full of bank robbers, a murderer....